Remote Bookkeeping & Training

We can help with your business bookkeeping & payroll needs. We keep your finances in order, so at the end of the year, you’re tax ready. No stress!

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About our Company

We offer contracted monthly or hourly rates. We know that every business is different. Whether it be seasonal, small, big, local or remote. Please feel free to email with your contact info to get a free consultation of your business situation.

We look forward to serving you and your business!

A Man Standing in an Office

Our Services

  • Reconcile Bank Accounts & Credit Cards
  • Reconcile Loans & Line of Credits
  • Payroll
  • Certified Payroll
  • Payroll Quarterly & Year End Reporting
  • QuickBooks Training

  • Quickbooks Online Training
  • Profit & Loss Reports
  • Balance Sheets
  • Assist in Audits
  • Clean up Bookkeeping
  • Customized Services as Needed

Supporting your success with the highest level of

integrity, through professional accounting!

Sun Rays Outline
Isometric Graph

Leave your bookkeeping worries to us, so you can focus on your business’s financial growth and success.

Book a consultation

OUr Team

Casy Price

Chief Executive Officer /​ Accountant​

With a degree in Accounting and​ over 20 years of experience in​ business accounting and​ bookkeeping, Casy is passionate​ about helping other businesses​ thrive. She is a lifelong Alaskan,​ wife and mother to 4 boys that​ loves adventure of any kind.​ Including taking on your books,​ so that you can focus on what is​ most important – growing your​ business and doing what you’re​ passionate about.​

Mi​chele Tzouganos

Lead Bookkeeper / Payroll ​Specialis​t​

Michele has over 20 years in th​e commercial banking industry. Sh​e was born and raised on Lon​g Island, New York, but currentl​y calls Arizona home. In her fre​e time, she enjoys spending tim​e with her family. They love to trave​l and everything Disney! She bring​s an attention to detail and har​d work ethic to MSB like you hav​e never seen​.

Stephanie Marchesseault

Chief Operating Officer / Client ​Specialist

An Alaskan since 2006 who loves ​to disappear into the wild, ​preferably via a river and boat or ​motorhome. She is devoted to ​helping others in both personal ​and professional life. Assisting ​them in finding success and ​sanity, through organization and ​attention to details. She prides ​herself on providing specialized ​care and attention to her clients ​and their differing business needs.

Em​ily Howard

Accountant / Payroll ​A​ssistant

Emily graduated with a ​degree in accounting in 2020. S​ince then she has worked in tax pr​eparation and filing, bookkee​ping, and payroll. She also love​s working with excel to make projec​ts easier and to keep things o​rganized! Working with MSB has ​given her the freedom to care fo​r her son and do something ​she loves ​everyday!

El​la Marchesseault


She is currently a college student ​at CSU, seeking her degree in ​Chemistry, while working for​ MSB since 2021. She is a de​tail oriented investigator at heart​ and loves to get to the botto​m of things, making her an asse​t to cleaning up clients books​ and watching for problems. She l​oves her dogs, cooking and hel​ping oth​ers.

Wendy Chase

Payroll Manager / Lead ​Bookkeeper​

With a degree in accounting from​ UAF and years of experience, she​ is our Payroll Manager at Midnight​ Sun Bookkeeping. Alaskan​ resident of 35 years, mother to 6,​ grandmother to 18 (and​ counting). Loves exploring the​ woods with her dog, discovering​ new blueberry patches-the​ season is marked on her calendar.​ Values integrity in personal and​ professional life. ​

Susanna Grotke

Bookkeeper / Payroll Assistant

Truth be told, Susanna never ​imagined herself in the ​accounting field., but with her ​passion for taking on challenges ​and bringing organization and ​efficiency to every facet of life- she ​found her perfect match in ​bookkeeping. She strives to serve ​clients’ needs with her attention ​to detail and quality work. Born ​and raised in Alaska, she then ​spent several years in Norway. I​n between bookkeeping an​d studying, she loves playin​g classical piano, running, an​d exploring the outdoors​.​

Ma​ria Babii


Born and raised in Moldova, she ​moved to Alaska in 2016. Where ​she fell in love with nature and the ​people that live here. She loves to ​travel. In the future, she hopes to ​visit and learn about the cultures ​of as many countries as possible. ​Her godmother inspired her to ​follow a path in ​bookkeeping/accounting and by ​working remotely with MSB she ​can work towards that, while ​fulfilling her dreams of world ​travel. She takes on new ​challenges with determination ​and resourcefulness as she loves ​to find solutions to problems.

Jennifer Schumacher

Senior Accountant / Tax Review ​Specialist

Jenn has over 15 years ​experience as a Senior Tax ​Accountant for various CPA firms ​and private corporations. She ​enjoys being able to help clients ​see the overall picture of their ​business and ensuring the books ​they are using are accurate ones! ​For the past 5 years, she has had ​the privilege of working remotely ​while raising her two children full ​time. She was born and raised in ​Alaska and loves the beauty and ​vast outdoors the state offers.

Kaitlin Beckstrand


While having lived in many ​places, she continues to call ​Alaska home. After college, ​starting a family and pursuing ​positions in school and the ​community, she has found that ​she does her best when serving ​and assisting others. Kaitlin bring​s an energy, sense of humor and d​etail oriented mindset that is an as​set to the team.

Kimberley H​enson


Born and raised in Colorado she ​comes to us with over 10 years of ​Accounting experience. Working ​with MSB is her first experience ​working remotely in her ​professional career and she loves ​the challenge. She has a "can do" ​attitude and is willing to tackle ​almost any task thrown her way! ​She enjoys spending time with ​her husband vacationing in new ​areas to them and attending ​music concerts together.

Jessica Price

Lead Bookkeeper / Financial ​Analyst / HR Specialist

Jessica has a BS in Finance, 5 ​years experience as a Financial ​Rep for several firms, and10 years ​experience as an Administrative ​Officer. She enjoys seeing how we ​provide positive change to our ​clients businesses well being. She ​is a problem solver that makes ​clients lives easier and finances ​more efficient. She finds joy in the ​little things and remembering ​what matters most. She aims to ​help our clients to do the same.

Megan Neville

Office and Bookkeeping Assistant

Megan has over 12 years’ ​experience in project ​management and marketing and ​is an asset to our team. She​ was born and raised in Alaska but​ is currently calling Utah home​. In her free time; she enjoys spe​nding time in nature, being wi​th family and friends, and learni​ng new things while being a​ mom to three a​dorable boys.

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